Saturday, 28 December 2013

Come Rain come Shine

There are these rainy day that all you wanna do is stay home & cuddle on the sofa, watch Holiday movies & drink hot chocolate…but there are these ( it happen to be rainy) days that you really dont care about the weather & you just want to put a fun vibrant outfit & be ‘against’ the nature. Because life may not be the party I was hoping for, but while I`m here I might as well dance :)

 DSC_2364 DSC_2365 DSC_2373 DSC_2388DSC_2392  DSC_2393  DSC_2396 DSC_2398DSC_2399 

Dress: Asos

Top: Zara

Shoes: Zara

Tights: Wolford

Necklace: Ebay

Belt: Bought from a random shop in Barcelona

Jacket: Bershka

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

It was the Night before Christmas

Yes, these pictures were taken just 2h ago….I`ve never had the chance before to post my stuff so quickly. But I have already promised to my family ( who Im currently away from) that I`ll try to spend Christmas Eve as nice as possible & this is the prove that at least I tried (mom you know it will never get as good as home feels, but here`s much warmer outside & I get the chance to wear fishnets & laser cut out shoes & lacy dresses & underwear in the end of Dec… least ) I love you. Merry Xmas!

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Dress: Zara

Shoes: Zara

Hat: Zara

Fur Collar: Vintage

Belt: Vintage

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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Holiday Hair

Through the Holidays Most of the girls will either go away with super old fashioned straightened hair ( kind of limp & too flat looking in my opinion) or Barbie type of hair – the ‘pimped’ fake looking one.

In reality there`s something much more easily achieved - the natural hair,whether it will be lifted lightly into messy chignon or styled as a modern alternative to the classic ponytail or bun, without the ‘help’ of high tech straightens or aerosol filled in products.

Get more creative & don`t forget that if you love your hair, it will love you back.

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Images: Pinterest, Tumblr

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Saturday, 14 December 2013


Like imagine Houndstooth originated in Scotland in the 1800s….& now it is a fashion staple. Especially come winter time since it`s usually made on warm & cosy fabrics.

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Dress: Blanco

Shoes: Zara

Bag: Zara

Jacket: H&M

Scarf: Ebay

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Friday, 6 December 2013

Cat Print

Ha -cat print faces are suddenly the ‘talk of the season’, thanks to that Mylie stunt…Im no fan of Mylie & especially her choice of clothing….

We are talking about a different cat print here- more of a hint,enough to inject a bit fun into otherwise a simple outfit.

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Tights: Ebay

Dress: Ebay

Coat: Stradivarius

Shoes: Zara

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Friday, 29 November 2013

Shine Like a Diamond

Hologram is still big news. And shiny fabrics, accessories & knits are even more celebrated close to the winter holiday season. And it`s almost December, indeed.

What else- this place – the Calatrava Olympic Stadium in Athens is pure magic.I wish more people were aware of that, but then on the other side, Im happy they are not, because this is for sure my most favourite place for shooting, so far.

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Pullover: Bershka

Skirt: Zara

Shoes: Zara

Tights: Asos

Jacket: H&M

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Sunday, 24 November 2013

Hand Fold

There`s some kind of exquisite charm wearing a fold over/bigger clutch bag. Something that you can hold on, a bag that brings a lot more attention to your forearm accessories…plus it allows you to carry more than just  a phone & a lipstick ;)

3a6bf6be70af1cc49de17e8725b7fdf9 7bcc60a8f8d99b97f743d5b62d30640b c983ad695c8a70c4c0557f52c5ba5a4e f1f68b5613a8bdddccbb3634024f7ef0 tumblr_mtjytb1fjJ1r43h0mo1_1280  tumblr_mv9vta5AcH1qdsqp6o1_500575720_632299673489432_1758419685_n

Images: Pinterest, Tumblr